Ragging in any form, in any place or time is a cognizable offence that
will attract severe punishment including summary expulsion from the College.
Extract of Tamilnadu Govt. Gazette-Extra ordinary dt.29.01.1997 (Bill No. 8 of 1997 Tamilnadu
Prohibition of Ragging Act)
In this act. Unless the context otherwise requires, “Ragging” means display of noisy, disorderly
conduct, doing any act which causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological harm or
raise apprehension or fear or shame or embarrassment to a student in any education institution
and includes.
Teasing, abusing or playing practical jokes on, or causing hurt to such student
Asking the student to do any act or perform something which such student will not, in the
ordinary course, willingly act or perform.
Ragging within or outside any educational institution is prohibited
Whoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets or propagates “Ragging” within or
outside any educational institution, shall be punished with a imprisonment for a term which may
extend to two years and shall also be liable to a fine which may extended to ten thousand
Any student convicted of an offence under section shall also be dismissed from the educational
institution and such a student shall not be admitted in any other educational institution.
Whenever any student or as the case may be, the parent or guardian, or a teacher of an
educational institution complains, in writing, of ragging to the head of the educational
institution, the head of that educational institution shall, without prejudice to the foregoing
provisions, within seven days of the receipt of the complaint, enquire into the matter mentioned
in the complaint and if, prima facie, it is found true, suspend the student who is accused of
the offence, and shall, immediately forward the complaint to the Police Station having
jurisdiction over the area in which the educational institution is situated, for further
The Anti-Ragging committee organizes events to make students aware of the harmful effects of
The Anti-Ragging committee meets regularly to discuss disciplinary issues related to ragging in
the campus
Counsellors will be available on the campus to mentor and counsel students affected by
Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions, whenever any student complains of ragging to the
head of an educational institution, or to any other person responsible for the management shall
inquire in the same immediately and if found true shall suspend the student, who has committed
the offence, from the educational institution.
The college is committed to encouraging equality and diversity among our staff and students,
eliminating any form of discrimination. We aim to make our staff and student community truly
representative of all sections of society and for each student and staff to feel respected and
able to give their best.
The purpose of the policy is to:
Provide equality, fairness and respect for all students on campus and for all staff in our
employment whether full time, temporary, contract or part time.
Not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation,
marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity.
Oppose and avoid all forms of unlawful discrimination. This includes in pay and benefits, terms
and conditions of employment, dealing with grievances and discipline, dismissal, redundancy,
leave, requests for flexible working promotion, training or other.
Strengthen gender sensitivity and guide the institute toward an enabling environment with in
College campus for men and women, boys and girls.
The Organisation commits to:
Encourage equality and diversity in the workplace as these are good practices
Create a working environment free of bullying, harassment, victimization and unlawful
discrimination, promoting dignity and respect for all, and where individual differences and the
contributions of all staff are recognized and valued
Training all the students and staff to know their rights and responsibilities under the equality
policy. Responsibilities include staff conducting to help the organization provide equal
opportunities in employments and prevent bullying, harassment, victimization and unlawful
Take seriously complaints of bullying, harassments, victimization and unlawful discrimination by
fellow students and staff, visitors, the public and any others in the course of the college work
activities. All staff should understand they, as well as their employer, can be held liable for
acts of bullying, harassment, victimization and unlawful discrimination, in the course of their
employment, against fellow employees, suppliers and the public. Such acts will be dealt with as
misconduct under the organisation’s grievance and/or disciplinary procedures and any appropriate
action will be taken. Particularly serious complaints could amount to gross misconduct and lead
to dismissal without notice.